
QuickBooks Online utilizes OAuth 2.0, which requires frequent refreshing of the access token. The client will handle this automatically, attempting a single token refresh on any single request authentication failure. Depending on how you use the library, every client has implements a class method ledger_attributes_to_save, which is an array of attributes that may change as the client is used. You can also call the instance method ledger_attributes_to_save which will be a hash of these values. It is a good practice to always store these attributes if you are saving access tokens in your database.

Retrieve Access Token

The library contains a lightweight script that is helpful in retrieving and refreshing access tokens. To use, do the following:

  1. Create a .env file in the library root.
  2. Add values for QUICKBOOKS_ONLINE_CLIENT_ID and QUICKBOOKS_ONLINE_CLIENT_SECRET (you can copy .env.template).
  3. Ensure your developer application in the QuickBooks Online developer portal contains this redirect URI: http://localhost:5678 (note: no trailing slash and port configurable with PORT environment variable)
  4. Run ruby bin/quickbooks_online_oauth_server.rb from the library root (note: it must run from the root in order to update .env).
  5. Visit the URL output in the terminal.
  6. Upon redirect back to your localhost, the new values will be printed to the console and saved back to your .env

Ledger Helper Methods

The client also implements some helper methods for getting tokens. For example, you can set up an client using the following:

# Retrieve the following values from Intuit app settings
client_id     = 'ID'
client_secret = 'SECRET'
redirect_uri  = 'http://localhost:3000'

oauth_client = LedgerSync::Ledgers::QuickBooksOnline::OAuthClientHelper.new(
  client_id: client_id,
  client_secret: client_secret

puts oauth_client.authorization_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri)

# Visit on the output URL and authorize a company.
# You will be redirected back to the redirect_uri.
# Copy the full url from your browser:

uri = 'https://localhost:3000/?code=FOO&state=BAR&realm_id=BAZ'

client = LedgerSync::Ledgers::QuickBooksOnline::Client.new_from_oauth_client_uri(
  oauth_client: oauth_client,
  uri: uri

# You can test that the auth works:


Note: If you have a .env file storing your secrets, the client will automatically update the variables and record previous values whenever values change